PRGC Secretary



Our current Secretary

Rich Utter

Primarily a bullseye shooter, very good with service rifle, somewhat good with service pistol. Mediocre at trap, skeet, and sporting clays. Eight years active duty U.S. Army, 19 years Reserves. Three years on the U.S. Army Reserve Service Rifle Team and several years on various Army Reserve Service Rifle teams. Distinguished Rifleman. NRA life member. NRA certified instructor in rifle and pistol. Certified Range Safety Officer. Awarded Scouting USA Silver Beaver. I like to support the club because it's a great facility and we have good people. It's a safe place to shoot.


This position generally is filled by someone who takes a keen interest in getting things done and who keeps records in an orderly manner. As custodian of the club charter, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and documents that pertain to the original organizing activity, may work closely with the Webmaster to keep copies of these documents in the club's digital "cloud" account. The secretary takes minutes of all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors. This position also maintains a file of all committee reports, to be used as a reference and as a record of business transacted. Other records maintained by a club secretary are files of newsletters and bulletins, a club correspondence file, and the club library. (From the NRA Club Officers Guide, 4th ed.)

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