All about membership in PRGC


(Looking for how to join instead? Click here.) Use any of these three renewal options. (Hey, be sure you've filled in and submitted the two forms at the end of this page.)

Renewing in person?  Find the Membership Chair at any general meeting. Dues are $50 annually.

Renewing by mail? Send your check in to PRGC, P.O. Box 1081, Paradise CA 95967, Attn: Membership. Include and identify your NRA number and current NRA expiration date on your check.


Renewing online? Pay dues here. We'll get notification of payment to the right parties. If any of your contact or other info has changed, though, be sure to let the Membership Chair know.


IMPORTANT: Regardless of how you choose to renew, please make certain every shooting member of your household membership has filled in a PRGC Liability Release Form and Responsible Person Questionnaire for this year. Thanks!